Department Spotlight – Waukee’s Technology Department

The Waukee CSD Technology Department had quite the chore. Every student in the district needed a device for the 2020-21 school year. The team went to work and reached that goal by the time the first bell rang, signaling the start of a new year.

The technology department didn’t stop there. Throughout this school year, they’ve been utilizing a Technology Support Hotline. This service provides students, families, and staff a phone number to utilize when technology problems arrive.

In an effort to respond to student needs, the helpline is managed between 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Please call 515-987-2775 if you have technology related needs. Calls into this line will be routed to the necessary WCSD staff. If you need onsite assistance, a member of our technology team will walk you through a set of directions. Prior to calling, please visit this support link to attempt to troubleshoot.

The technology team has served roughly eight times the amount of IT tickets in this school year as they’ve averaged in previous years.

Thanks for an outstanding year of service!