Financial Literacy Students will be using a variety of resources during their learning experiences to support their growth and understanding of their financial futures. Guest Speakers, Everfi, NextGen Personal Finance and UNI’s Financial Skills for Smart Living will provide further support to the students in the classroom in enhancing their learning experiences. Our ultimate goal is for students to have the essential tools and knowledge to make educated financial decisions now and once they graduate. Financial Literacy Department Courses
Offered to grades: 11 and 12
Length: 1 Term or 1 Semester (Skinny block)
Category: Required
Prerequisite: None
College Credit: Students have the opportunity to earn 3 credits (FIN1040) through the University of Northern Iowa by passing the for-credit final exam. The Financial Literacy course will explore the following areas that will support a lifetime of healthy financial decision-making including:
High School Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy Department Courses