Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter K
Photo of Kellie Kahle
Kellie Kahle
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Bailey Kahle
4th Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Cheryl Kahler
Cheryl Kahler
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Brooke Kahler
Brooke Kahler
Language Arts Teacher
6th Grade Silver
Anthony Kaiser
Endpoint Administrator
Technology Department
Photo of Karen Kalianov
Karen Kalianov
Piano Accompanist
Photo of Karol Kamhawy
Karol Kamhawy
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Christine Kamm
Christine Kamm
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Kevin Kanaskie
Kevin Kanaskie
Physical Education/Health Teacher
Basketball, Physical Education/Health, Waukee Boys Basketball
Kyle Kanaskie
Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
Waukee Boys Basketball
Vijaya Kandirelli
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Charles Kannapel
Charles Kannapel
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies
Photo of Alexandra Kantner
Alexandra Kantner
English as a Second Language Teacher
Student Services
Morgan Kappel
Physical Education/Health
Photo of Trisha Kapustka
Trisha Kapustka
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jill Kasparbauer
Jill Kasparbauer
Instructional Coach
Office Team, Teacher Leadership
Josh Kassmeyer
Photo of Debra Kastantin
Debra Kastantin
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Ansley Katz
Instrumental Music Teacher
Band, Music
Stephen Kautz
Nurse, Office Team
Michelle Kaya
Classroom Teacher
Photo of Amy Kearns
Amy Kearns
Literacy Coach (Elementary)
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Hannah Keep
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Robert Kelley
Robert Kelley
Director of Aquatics
Activities Office, Operations Department
Photo of Kassandra Kellis
Kassandra Kellis
Special Education Instructional Strategist
Teacher Leadership
Photo of Joseph Kellogg
Joseph Kellogg
Social Studies Teacher
9th Grade Blue
Yvette Keltner
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Anna Kemp
Anna Kemp
Preschool Teacher
Preschool, Special Education Teacher
Photo of MeGan Kempnich
MeGan Kempnich
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Lyle Kenkel
Facility/Intramural Supervisor
Community Education Department
Photo of Jill Kenkel
Jill Kenkel
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Nicole Kennedy
Nicole Kennedy
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of C. Stuart Kennedy
C. Stuart Kennedy
2nd Grade
John Kennedy
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jeane Keplinger
Jeane Keplinger
Office Team
Photo of Lindsey Keppler
Lindsey Keppler
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Julia Kerling
Julia Kerling
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Carrie Kern
Carrie Kern
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jonathan Kerr
Jonathan Kerr
Language Arts Teacher
Bowling, English, Northwest Boys Bowling, Soccer, Waukee Boys Bowling, Waukee Girls Soccer
Photo of Hannah Ketcham
Hannah Ketcham
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Audra Ketelsen
Audra Ketelsen
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher, Waukee Girls Track and Field
Photo of Calley Kidder
Calley Kidder
Art Teacher
Photo of Melinda Kiernan
Melinda Kiernan
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Nithulya Kiliyathil Ramachandran
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Margaret Killion
Margaret Killion
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of George King
George King
Day Custodian
Martha King
Payroll and Benefits Specialist
Business Services Department
Photo of Megan Kinsinger
Megan Kinsinger
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Teresa Kirby
Teresa Kirby
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Angela Klein
Angela Klein
Human Resources Analyst
Human Resources Department
Katelyn Klein
Kindergarten Teacher
Suzanne Kleitsch
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Parker Klimesh
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Megan Kline
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jena Kline
Jena Kline
Science Teacher
Paige Klinkenborg
Social Worker
Student Services
Keisha Klipping
Photo of Jade Kloetzer
Jade Kloetzer
Health Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Casey Kloosterman
Full-Time Substitute
Michael Kloster
Gateway to Engineering Teacher
Science, Technology Education
Ronald Knapper
Anna Knight
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Heidi Knutson
Heidi Knutson
Nutrition Head Cook
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Jeffrey Knutson
Jeffrey Knutson
Vocal Music Teacher
Vocal Music, Waukee Jazz Choir, Waukee Show Choir, Waukee Vocal Music
Photo of Lisa Koch
Lisa Koch
Assistant Girls Tennis Coach
Northwest Girls Tennis, Tennis
Photo of Dhathri Kode
Dhathri Kode
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kjersten Koenigs
Kjersten Koenigs
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Eric Koeppel
World Language
Photo of Meredith Koesters
Meredith Koesters
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Genesis Kofmehl
5th Grade
Photo of Lynette Kohtz
Lynette Kohtz
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Rishi Kolusu
Rishi Kolusu
Instrumental Music Teacher
Music, Waukee Band
Photo of Sierra Kome
Sierra Kome
Spanish Teacher
World Language
Courtney Koob
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Waukee Volleyball
Alex Koons
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kaelyn Koontz
Kaelyn Koontz
Math Teacher
8th Grade Green, Mathematics
Photo of Corey Kopatich
Corey Kopatich
Social Studies Teacher
Northwest Football, Social Studies
Tom Kopatich
Assistant Football Coach
Northwest Football
Christopher Korinek
Social Studies Teacher
8th Grade Red, Social Studies
Photo of Sarah Korte
Sarah Korte
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Meeta Kothari
Meeta Kothari
English as a Second Langugae
Student Services
John Kotz
Head Girls Golf Coach
Northwest Girls Golf
Nicole Krabe
Emily Krakau
Preschool Teacher
Jill Krambeer
Special Education Associate
Photo of Breanna Kramer
Breanna Kramer
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Sheila Kramer
Sheila Kramer
Office Team
Renee Kramer
Instructional Services Admin Assistant
Photo of Michelle Krecl
Michelle Krecl
Office Team
Photo of Danielle Kress
Danielle Kress
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Jennifer Krogman
Jennifer Krogman
Nurse, Office Team
Photo of Miranda Krohn
Miranda Krohn
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Krystal Kron
Krystal Kron
Reading Teacher
Student Services
Photo of Kylie Krueger
Kylie Krueger
Family & Consumer Science Teacher
Family & Consumer Science
Photo of Mark Krukow
Mark Krukow
Network and Security Administrator
Photo of Kathie Krumm Dennison
Kathie Krumm Dennison
Night Custodian
Photo of Dyana Kubiak
Dyana Kubiak
Special Education Associate
Office Team
Julie Kucera
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Samantha Kuehl
Samantha Kuehl
Math/Literacy Interventionist
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Kelsie Kuhnert
Juvenile Court Liaison
Marissa Kuiken
Speech Teacher
Photo of Kyle Kupferschmid
Kyle Kupferschmid
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Megan Kupferschmid
James Kurt