The preparation of the budget commences in October, with the certified enrollment taken on the first of the month. The certified enrollment provides the basis upon which the district receives property tax and state aid for the following fiscal year beginning July 1. The certified budget establishes the levies for each fund and corresponding tax rates. In addition, the certified budget establishes the anticipated maximum spending. These spending amounts may be amended during the year if needed. The line-item budget is finalized in December and works within the maximum spending limits set by the certified budget.
The budget process is ongoing throughout the year. The budget is not something set in concrete as conditions change throughout the year the budget may need to be modified to adapt to the changes. Providing a quality educational program, living within in the district revenues and maintaining good financial health requires constant monitoring throughout the year to ensure sound budget management.
Key Elements and Dates in the Budget Process:
October 1: Certified Enrollment Count Day
October 15: Certified Enrollment Report due to the State
November 1: Special Education Enrollment Count
January: Assessed Valuations received from Dallas County auditors and budget forms received from the Iowa Department of Management
February: Superintendent and CFO Prepare Preliminary Budget
March: Board of Education sets the budget hearing date for April and received a preliminary review of the proposed budget from Superintendent and CFO.
April: Board of Education conducts a public hearing to certify the Budget.
April 15: Deadline to certify Budget.
May 14: Regular board meeting conducted and date is set for budget amendment hearing, if necessary.
May 29: Board of Education conducts its budget amendment hearing and amendment documents are sent to the county auditor, if necessary.
July 17: Business office begins distribution of electronic budget worksheets to building administrations.
July 31: Building administrators will submit electronic budget worksheets.
August: Building budgets will be entered into the district accounting system.
Aug.-Sept.: Building activity and grant carryover balances will be review and added to line-item budgets.
Oct.-Nov.: Final line item budgets entered into the district accounting system.