Rules of Engagement

Waukee Community School District has official social media accounts to share information and connect with the community. We allow and encourage community engagement in an open and respectful dialogue.

Engage with Us on social media

While posting on Waukee CSD platforms, please keep District values in mind, which include equity and belonging, integrity, joy, and inclusivity. The District reserves the right to remove any user-generated content it deems inappropriate or irrelevant to the topic of the content.

What Is NOT Allowed on Our Social Media Platforms

  • Language that has obscene or sexual content, threatens or defames any person or organization, violates the legal ownership interest of another party, supports or opposes political candidates or ballot propositions, promotes illegal activity, or promotes commercial services/products.
  • Content not topically related to the particular posting or links to a third-party website(s).
  • Anything that violates trademarks or copyrights.
  • Posts that promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

The District will not, however, remove otherwise permissible comments based on viewpoint. Please note that Waukee CSD reserves the right, at any time, to discontinue comments and engagement with content posted on its social media platforms without notice. Any content posted to this site may be subject to public disclosure under the Iowa Public Records Law.

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